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Chủ đề: Tuyển thợ ảnh biết tiếng Anh, luơng cao, làm tại HCM

  1. #1
    Tham gia
    Bài viết

    Tuyển thợ ảnh biết tiếng Anh, luơng cao, làm tại HCM

    Looking for Fashion Photographer for International Clothing Brand
    Our women’s clothing company is searching for a full time photo content creator for our clothing catalogs and social media.
    Our candidate must be passionate about alternative clothing fashions/street wear style.
    Full time work. 30 Hours of work per week. End of year bonuses given.
    Starting salary 11,500,000 VND per month.
    Must be located in Saigon.
    Must speak English.
    We will provide photo examples of the style we want to photoshoot in during application process.
    Please send your Portfolio to our email: hiring at alienmood dot com

  2. #2
    Tham gia
    Bài viết
    my name is Kim Nguyen. I applied to your website, in contact box i gave all information you need, but i couldn't send you my portfolio. so how can i send it to you ?
    Thank you

  3. #3
    Tham gia
    Bài viết
    Quote Được gửi bởi KimNguyen18 View Post
    my name is Kim Nguyen. I applied to your website, in contact box i gave all information you need, but i couldn't send you my portfolio. so how can i send it to you ?
    Thank you
    The bold line is the evidence that you're not good at English. The top post has been included the contact information "email: hiring at alienmood dot com" mean hiring@alienmood.com , that is the email address of HR department. Why would you don't understand it?

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