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Chủ đề: Zec@Work : Project: HCMC

  1. #1
    Tham gia
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    Zec@Work : Project: HCMC

    This is my first time visit Vietnam and the city is Ho Chi Minh City. I did some photo shoots here with my friend. I am new to Vietnam and have no idea how to shoot so I just try my style. I shot many pictures but I don't have time to process them all at once. I will post them up slowly as I finish them.

    Have fun viewing the pictures.


  2. #2
    Tham gia
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    Pic 01:

  3. #3
    Tham gia
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    Pic 02:

  4. #4
    Tham gia
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    chưa tôn lên được nét đẹp của mẫu bác ah.

  5. #5
    Tham gia
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    well, your picture is amazing in your style, thus i think your lighting control technic is excellent
    But in Vietnam not many people like this style, manly we dont use the sharpen too much and the dark and noise effect may not suite the gentle beauty of Asian people. Your model smile happily but you color look a little dark, quite contrary i think
    So it is my opinion, you have good skill, but your concept isnt complete. Hope to see your future work of Vietnam

  6. #6
    Tham gia
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    Pic 03:

  7. #7
    Tham gia
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    Quote Được gửi bởi hungthinh68a View Post
    chưa tôn lên được nét đẹp của mẫu bác ah.
    Thank you very much for your comments.

  8. #8
    Tham gia
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    Quote Được gửi bởi dantethekid94 View Post
    well, your picture is amazing in your style, thus i think your lighting control technic is excellent
    But in Vietnam not many people like this style, manly we dont use the sharpen too much and the dark and noise effect may not suite the gentle beauty of Asian people. Your model smile happily but you color look a little dark, quite contrary i think
    So it is my opinion, you have good skill, but your concept isnt complete. Hope to see your future work of Vietnam
    Ah... Thank you very much for your comments. This is the first time I shoot Vietnam girls so not sure how to present them properly. No problem, I will continue to post more pictures here and see what Vietnamese people like. It is a learning experience for me.

  9. #9
    Tham gia
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    Quote Được gửi bởi Zec@Work View Post
    Ah... Thank you very much for your comments. This is the first time I shoot Vietnam girls so not sure how to present them properly. No problem, I will continue to post more pictures here and see what Vietnamese people like. It is a learning experience for me.
    can i have your flickr account and your fb, just to exchange experience

  10. #10
    Tham gia
    Bài viết
    For me they are all nice shots, keep your style and make it different from here your new Vietnam :-)) Hope to see more from u.

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