Tìm kiếm:

Type: Posts; User: ductkd

Tìm kiếm: Tìm kiếm mất 0.01 giây.

  1. Trả lời
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    Totally agree... hehee.. BTW like your #13, sexy...

    Totally agree... hehee.. BTW like your #13, sexy cutie.
  2. Trả lời
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    Like your pics very much, you have taken all of...

    Like your pics very much, you have taken all of them by the 50mm lens, do u think its good for portrait shooting? Im canon 6D user and got a 50mm 1.4, just want to use the combo for portrait shooting...
  3. Trả lời
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    For me they are all nice shots, keep your style...

    For me they are all nice shots, keep your style and make it different from here your new Vietnam :-)) Hope to see more from u.
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